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标题: 咋办啊 [打印本页]

作者: caiwehao    时间: 2007-8-10 17:11     标题: 咋办啊

刚刚下班的时候,我们公司的会计姐姐对我说,:"一起去吃饭吧"  我想都没想回了句 , 不去.就这样我回家来了, 那可是我暗恋半年的姐姐啊,回家想一想真的太可惜了.
因为他男朋友有事不能陪她吃饭,一个人又不愿意去,就找我了,想一想吃完饭,喝完酒,孤男寡女,酒后乱性, 想到这里就不感想了.  这都是我猜想的大家别认真,姐姐今年30岁
我才22岁,姐姐人真的很好,特别照顾我,特善良,唯一缺点就是好酒,还有能花钱,真想让姐姐当我老婆,,但是我怕养不起,就说到这,  以上全不是真的.谢谢.
作者: canory    时间: 2007-8-11 10:46

作者: walnutd    时间: 2007-8-11 11:20

you are so young, you have plenty of time to figure out what is the best for yourself. don't borther by such tinny thing. being there maybe good for you, because you have been in single love for a half year; but being there maybe bad, maybe you find more things you don't like or stand for during dinner...whatever, as time goes by, you will know what is good for you. quote from another post "begin with sensibility; end by sense"

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